Big Reasons to Celebrate in Ethiopia!


Lifesong School in Ethiopia recently ended for the summer, and that means one thing: Celebration!

First, the annual preschool/kindergarten graduation ceremony brimmed with hope as a new class accepted their diplomas. These students represent the future of Ethiopia as well as Lifesong School. We rejoice to see what each child’s future holds. 

Second, in addition to the annual kindergarten/preschool graduation ceremony, students in every grade celebrated the end to another excellent year. The kids did very well on their exams–receiving some of the highest scores in the city as compared to fellow schools. These students are dedicated, and they have taken a deep interest in their studies. 


A final reason to celebrate!

We are grateful to faithful sponsors whose monthly support provides the students with two daily meals and a quality education. For many students, this sponsorship is the difference between a bright future or no future at all.
Good news: ALL of the students in Ethiopia are now hosted on Lifesong’s Child Sponsorship site. You can now learn how only $34 monthly can have a long-lasting impact on the life of a child!

Click on the photo to learn more about the kids from Lifesong Ethiopia!


Less than half of the 1200 children are currently being sponsored. YOUR support can change a child’s life. Find your sponsor child today!

Sponsor Nafeyadi

Sponsor Bethelhem

Meet Adiam
Sponsor Adiam

Take the love of Christ to a child in Ethiopia.


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