Serving Orphans In

South Korea

Our ministry in South Korea seeks to come alongside orphaned youth as they transition into adulthood.

We believe the children we serve are uniquely equipped to change the world. Because of this, in South Korea, we are partnering with local ministries to create an environment where we can help vulnerable students succeed in life. We provide a committed mentor, family atmosphere, and financial support for orphans in college.


Total Children Currently Served


Local Ministry Staff



Why We Serve in South Korea

South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, is a part of the Korean penninsula and shares a border with North Korea. 80–90% of children born to single women are abandoned. When children age out of orphanages at 18 years old, they have no one to support them. With few other options, many fall into depression, debt, sex trafficking, cults, and gangs. For those who manage to get into college, many struggle with debt and dropout due to high tuition and living expenses.




No religion (51%), Protestant (11%),
Catholic (17%), Other (2%)

Serving Orphans In

South Korea

Our ministry in South Korea seeks to come alongside orphaned youth as they transition into adulthood.

We believe the children we serve are uniquely equipped to change the world. Because of this, in South Korea, we are partnering with local ministries to create an environment where we can help vulnerable students succeed in life. We provide a committed mentor, family atmosphere, and financial support for orphans in college.


Total Children Currently Served


Local Ministry Staff



Why We Serve in South Korea

South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, is a part of the Korean penninsula and shares a border with North Korea. 80–90% of children born to single women are abandoned. When children age out of orphanages at 18 years old, they have no one to support them. With few other options, many fall into depression, debt, sex trafficking, cults, and gangs. For those who manage to get into college, many struggle with debt and dropout due to high tuition and living expenses.




No religion (51%), Protestant (11%),
Catholic (17%), Other (2%)

What We Strive to Provide to Every Child We Serve

Our belief in God and His grace in our lives energizes us for a specific work. With God’s help, every child we serve will be taught the gospel and how to be followers of Christ, not want for food, shelter, medical care, and clothing, receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future, and have access to continued love and support while transitioning into adult living.

Key Areas of Ministry in South Korea

Mentoring Program

Students without family are in great need of emotional support and guidance. Each student is paired with a caring mentor who is committed to the student until he/she graduates. Mentors call the students weekly and see them monthly.

Scholarship Program

Each student receives $500 a month to cover living expenses. With finances provided, students are able to dedicate time to their studies. This allows them to earn high grades and scholarships for tuition.

Working Together With

Because Your Money Should Go Where You Want It To Go

Lifesong administrative costs are already covered, so every penny of your received donation will go to help children in need.

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Stories and Updates

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“I had a lot of fear of sharing my thoughts and emotions but through my four years with my mentor I became more comfortable and confident. I didn’t feel alone while on Oak Tree Project because I knew I am accepted and loved no matter what. This program also helped me keep my relationship with God.”

Oak Tree Project