Raising Funds and Finding Gold | Family Friday

The prospect of raising adoption funds is rarely an enjoyable one.

For a variety of reasons, many families struggle to ask friends and family for help when paying the astronomical expenses associated with adoption. The fear of making people uncomfortable weighs heavy.
Jeff and Liza (pictured above) understand. They recently brought their daughter home from China. Having not requested any grants during their first adoption, they decided to apply for a grant during their second adoption and see what God would do. In their words–
We are extremely grateful for the matching grant we received from Lifesong. We were shocked to get the grant, and the funds came quickly when they were available. Lifesong made it so easy!
When we asked, specifically, why a matching grant made the process of raising funds easier, they explained–
Knowing there were dollars available to us motivated and encouraged us to get the word out. We think we were able to raise more funds than we would have if it were a non-matching grant.
“Motivated” is an understatement. Jeff and Liza hit the ground running, raising over $24,000 in fewer than 60 days.

Humanly speaking, there is no way we could’ve done this, but with God all things are possible!

If you are adopting or know someone who is adopting, encourage them to pray about what God would have them do with regard to fundraising. Fundraising enables others to participate in what God has chosen to do in the life of a family. Remember: He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

Feel encouraged by this post? Have a story of your own to share? Comment below.


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